
Saturday 28 February 2015

Reading and relaxing.

Sometimes at the end of the day (if we finish our work early) we like to relax and have a quiet read. Dr. Suess is our favourite!

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Visiting Artist!

An artist came to our school on Monday! He talked about the colour wheel and taught us how to make one using only the primary colours! 

Monday 9 February 2015

Author Study!

We are learning about Dr.Suess! Today we had the laptops and went onto! We read his timeline of important dates, listened to his stories and even created our own Who's!

Thursday 5 February 2015

Oral Language

We had oral language today. We sat in buddies and had to describe the photo in front of us. Using a lot of detail was important because we had to find te differences without looking!

Wicked Wednesday Workouts!

Monday 2 February 2015

Getting to know you snowball fight!

Today we had to write down three things about ourselves. Then we scrunched up our piece of paper and threw them in the air! After that we grabbed one off the floor and read it. We had to walk around the room talking to others to try and find out who it belonged to! It was really fun :)

Sunday 1 February 2015

Back to School!

Welcome back to Hampstead School!!! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday with their families and whanau. I am very excited to start Room 6 off with your children. Please keep an eye on our blog as we will be posting regularly and feel free to share the link with relatives and whanau. See you soon!
-Miss Dobbin