
Friday 27 March 2015

Room 6 Certificates are awarded to...

Terrific Tamsin and Jolly Jaidon!! Both were awarded certificates today at assembly:) Yay for being AWESOME! 

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Instructional Writing!

We have been learning how to write instructions. We have created board games, characters and rules of how to play! - written by Ty 

Sunday 22 March 2015


Today we learnt about the flax bush, weaving and the different parts of flax. There are four different parts of a flax. The baby, parents, grandparents and great grandparents. We learnt how to cut flax. She showed us fish, bags, caterpillars, flowers and many more! Mere, Tarquin, Eden as Raglan used scissors to soften the flax. It was hard (kind of) . - By Eden 

Thursday 19 March 2015

Student of the Week!

Tarquin was the Student of the Week last Friday! He was chosen because he is caring towards others, always helpful and is a cheerful member of Room 6! Awesome Tarquin!! 

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Netball Written by Tamsin

BOUNCE BOUNCE! The balls bounced so loud you could hear them from the other side of the school!

Last Tuesday Room 6 and Miss Dobbin were going to netball. On the netball courts we met Shelly there. Miss Dobbin said " Line up at the end line Room 6! " We all lined up at the end line...

 After that we all said hi to Shelly and she said to grab a netball. I grabbed a bright pink one. We had to throw the ball up in the air and clap more times then ten. The balls were flying like birds! The claps were so loud they were like thunder!

Next Shelly called people up for a competition. River won! Yay River! CLAP CLAP CLAP! We all cheered for River like cheerleaders cheering for a rugby team! He broke the record! My favorite part was when River broke the record. I really liked netball I can't wait till we do it again!  

Monday 16 March 2015

Netball! - Written by River

STOMP STOMP! It was the sound of thunder rumbling down the ramp last Tuesday...

Last Tuesday we had netball with Shelly . We darted down the ramp like thunder! We stopped on the end line and we stood like soldier's with our hand's on our heads! Then we stood closer to listen to Shelly. 

Next we had a ball. Not any kind of ball but netball's and they were different colour's! Pink and white. 

After that we got to do trick's. Some were easy and some were hard. The hard one was putting the ball under your leg and then over. "GOOD WORK" yelled Shelly. "This time try and throw the ball high in  the sky and clap as hard you could"shouted out Shelly.CLAP CLAP!  The sound was so loud from our hands.

Next we had a competition. "Who ever had the most claps will beat the high score!" whispered Shelly. I did it!!!! I had eleven! I was as happy as the sun.

Room 6 Greeting!

 We have been learning the Greetings and Farewells in Maori! 

Wednesday 11 March 2015


CLICK ON THIS LINK TO WATCH OUR STORIES!   Story builder stories in Room 6

Dear Mr. Melrose,

Room 6 here…

Today we learnt how to write stories on Story Builder! - Saiyan

On story builder you can make up your own story with characters in it! You can add music to it as well. It’s really cool! – Mahalia

We chose who the characters in our stories are and what they are named – Katie

We got to add music to our story to show how the scene will be set (scary (suspense) country (happy) upbeat (fun) love, go google and more – Eden

We got to turn them into a video when we were finished – Carys

We saved them onto our account in Google Drive – Tarquin

Storybuilder was awesome – George

Storybuilder was fun and more fun then writing in our books – Ty

The typing was faster then writing – River

IT was really cool to see how it worked – Tamsin
IT was AWESOME – Sophie


Reading in Room 6

We are Poroporo! Today we read a story called Turn off that tap!
It was about saving water when it is dry. We have been talking about Conservation and we chose our favourite page with a BIG smile! 
Written by: Angel, Katie, Eden, Chanakah, Ylzan and Miss Dobbin :)

Thursday 5 March 2015

Dr. Suess Books!!

We got TWELVE new Dr. Suess books today!! We were so excited to read them. 

Writing- Animal Card Reports!!

We have all been loving animal cards lately. They come from countdown and we like to swap, read and compare the animals. Today we started planning for our animal reports. We each chose one animal card and started planning! We wrote down their size, colour, special characteristics and interesting facts! Stay posted for our published reports! 

Tuesday 3 March 2015

Day at the movies!

We were so disappointed that we didn't get to go to Peel forest bu we got to 'go to the movies'!!!!! We made cones for ou popcorn and had chocolate bunnies too!