
Tuesday 30 June 2015

Crunch Crunch Crunch was all you could hear coming from Room 6 today!
This morning we got to go to the hall and make SNOWBALLS! First we got into our groups and made sure we had all of the ingredients. Then we took turns measuring the ingredients and mixing them together. Mrs. Frost and Mrs. Ritchie helped us too!! Here is a short video to show how much fun we had! :)

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Bike Track!!!

We were so excited to use the bike track today!! It's open Monday, Wednesday and Friday! Miss Dobbin got a few photos today but we will be taking many more! 
Jack and Ty

Friday 19 June 2015

Video from our Assembly!

Miss Ovens took a video of our song in Assembly! Scroll down a few posts ago to watch River, Sophie, Angel, Katie, Tamsin, Jacinta and Edwn read their poetry in assembly! 

Wednesday 17 June 2015


Today it started to SNOW! We were so excited we got to run outside for a few seconds to see and feel it!! We are going to write senses poems about it tomorrow!
We have thought of SO many ideas already!!

Laptop Afternoon!

We had the laptops this afternoon and we have been practicing our spelling, maths-working with money and our typewriting skills! Here we are having fun learning online! 
This is a Spelling game called Torture the teacher! It's one of our favourites!
This is a typewriting skills game! Tamsin was typing through space! 
Trey was busy sorting colours and using the big interactive white board! 
Eden really liked it too!

Tuesday 16 June 2015


Today we read a story about Tim Yendall. He was born without arms. He had to learn how to write with his mouth and feet!! Ty and River tried to do it with their toes and look how they wrote their names ! 

Written by: Mahalia, Ty, River, Riana and Angel

Monday 15 June 2015


Today we finally got to go for a jog around the bike track and check out how amazing it is!!! They have built hills and ramps into the dirt and they have even planted flax! You can tell by these photos that we're REALLY excited to ride it!! 

Poetry Poetry Poetry!!

Over the past couple of weeks we have been learning how to write different forms of poetry! We have learnt how to write Shape, Colour, Cinquain, Haiku, and Diamante poems. Here are some of our published poems!

Thursday 11 June 2015

End of the week dance off!

On Fridays we like to finish off the week with Go Noodle!! We hope you have a wonderful weekend!! :)

Monday 8 June 2015

Certificates awarded to...

Congratulations to Mahalia and Angel on their certificates last Friday! We are so lucky to have you in Room 6 :) Well done to you!! 

Performing in Room 6!

We are the Whero group! Today we were doing a play called ' It's only a fairy tale' ! Savannah was the daughter, Sophie was the Mum, Maria was the Nana and George was the dad! 

It was really awesome! 
Written by: The Whero Group - George sophie Maria Savannah