
Friday 8 January 2016

Happy New Year Room 6!

Dear Room 6,

Happy New Year! I hope you are enjoying your summer holiday with your families. It is getting very cold here (yesterday was -29 degrees Celcius!!) The kids here don't get to play outside when it's that cold and they have to wear full snowsuits to and from school!

I hope you are enjoying your summer! If you see the blog over the holidays feel free to write - also don't forget our google drive with all of your pieces of writing we did at the first half of the year you can still access!

Google sign in - room6hampstead2015 and the password is hampsteadsch

Enjoy the rest of your summer holiday :)
Miss Dobbin


Monday 26 October 2015

Catch up with Room 6!

We are busy practising high jump for Athletics Day.   

Great action Carys

The class is enjoying practising volleyball.

Room 6 is also learning Hip Hop.  We have some real movers in our class.  George really enjoyed dance.

Jack did a great worm for the class to follow.

Monday 7 September 2015

Literacy Day

Batman looks very relaxed when we were doing our SRA's today.  Carys is Barbie and Katie is a Witch.

Jack in the beanstalk is ready with his axe.  Raglan scared us all with his scream mask.

We all looked so different today.  Can you guess our book characters?

Here we all are on Literacy Day.  If you are wondering I am Grandma McGarvey.

Sunday 16 August 2015

Catching Up With Room 6

The students have been really busy in Room 6 over the last few weeks.  Check out our really cool photos.

We had our visitors from Japan.  They had a fun activity for us to make. 

We battled our Sumo Wrestlers.  

Congratulations Tarquin on receiving your certificate in Assembly.

This term we are learning about print making.  We used objects as stamps to make a picture.

We are really enjoying our Turbo Touch lessons with Kat.  The next few photos show us practising our skills.

We have a new student in Room 6.  We are really enjoying having Justine with us.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Dear Room 6...

Dear Room 6,

Kia Ora, hello!!! I hope you are all enjoying the holidays with your whanau. I have finally made it to Canada after a 42 hour journey! 

I watched three movies on the massive Air New Zealand plane from Auckland to Vancouver! One of them was called Home, has anyone seen it? 

Now I am home with my parents and my dog Chilly (who turned 15 on 1 July- as you know). He is happy I am back and I have told him and my parents all about amazing Room 6! 

It is summer here and it was 27 degrees today! I have gone for one swim so far but have mostly been relaxing on the beach with my Mom and Dad and riding around on their jetski!

I hope you are having a wonderful holiday. I miss you very much but am SO excited for you to start school with Mrs.Willox!! 

:) Miss Dobbin

Saturday 4 July 2015


We have been learning about arrays and how they help us solve multiplication problems! Here we are using mine craft to build arrays! 
Jack did 4 x 3 which is the same as 4+4+4 or 3+3+3+3 ! The answer is 12!
Sophie did 6 x 3! Which is the same as 3+3+3+3+3+3 or 3x6 and 6+6+6!

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Crunch Crunch Crunch was all you could hear coming from Room 6 today!
This morning we got to go to the hall and make SNOWBALLS! First we got into our groups and made sure we had all of the ingredients. Then we took turns measuring the ingredients and mixing them together. Mrs. Frost and Mrs. Ritchie helped us too!! Here is a short video to show how much fun we had! :)

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Bike Track!!!

We were so excited to use the bike track today!! It's open Monday, Wednesday and Friday! Miss Dobbin got a few photos today but we will be taking many more! 
Jack and Ty