
Sunday 16 August 2015

Catching Up With Room 6

The students have been really busy in Room 6 over the last few weeks.  Check out our really cool photos.

We had our visitors from Japan.  They had a fun activity for us to make. 

We battled our Sumo Wrestlers.  

Congratulations Tarquin on receiving your certificate in Assembly.

This term we are learning about print making.  We used objects as stamps to make a picture.

We are really enjoying our Turbo Touch lessons with Kat.  The next few photos show us practising our skills.

We have a new student in Room 6.  We are really enjoying having Justine with us.


Mr Melrose said...

You have been busy Rm 6- Carys looks like she was enjoying the visitors from Japan- this group were great because they shared their crafts and cultural stories. Print making with stamps you make gives a really personal touch- can be used for gifts at home too. That Turbo with Kat focused on skills- Jacinta, Saiyan and Jaidon look like they are professionals!

Unknown said...

I am so pleased to see the activities that you have been up to room 6. Keep up the posting. :)

Miss Dobbin said...

Hi Room 6,

Wow! Your printmaking looks like messy fun! Did everyone do their names or did you each do different designs with the stamps?!

Great to see you are playing Turbo Touch!! I love that game, it is so much fun.

Keep up the posting! I am glad to see you are having a great term so far.

:) Miss Dobbin

Miss Dobbin said...

How exciting to have a new class member too!! I know you are all making Justine feel welcome :)

Riana Shaw said...

Dear Room 6

That looks like fun. I wish that I was there!

From Riana