
Monday 16 March 2015

Netball! - Written by River

STOMP STOMP! It was the sound of thunder rumbling down the ramp last Tuesday...

Last Tuesday we had netball with Shelly . We darted down the ramp like thunder! We stopped on the end line and we stood like soldier's with our hand's on our heads! Then we stood closer to listen to Shelly. 

Next we had a ball. Not any kind of ball but netball's and they were different colour's! Pink and white. 

After that we got to do trick's. Some were easy and some were hard. The hard one was putting the ball under your leg and then over. "GOOD WORK" yelled Shelly. "This time try and throw the ball high in  the sky and clap as hard you could"shouted out Shelly.CLAP CLAP!  The sound was so loud from our hands.

Next we had a competition. "Who ever had the most claps will beat the high score!" whispered Shelly. I did it!!!! I had eleven! I was as happy as the sun.


Unknown said...

Yahoo River- great work- netball is a terrific sport- fast paced, plenty of action- I have to be careful I don't play it like rugby! I really liked how your writing described the lesson!

River said...

Thank you Mr. Melrose!!