
Friday 19 June 2015

Video from our Assembly!

Miss Ovens took a video of our song in Assembly! Scroll down a few posts ago to watch River, Sophie, Angel, Katie, Tamsin, Jacinta and Edwn read their poetry in assembly! 


Unknown said...

Wow Room 6. I missed the assembly on the day but this video lets me see your wonderful singing and video. Thanks Miss Ovens

Unknown said...

What an awesome assembly room 6, great singing everyone

Miss Dobbin said...

Incredible performance!! I love watching this video. I am so so proud of you all! Lots of practicing and effort gone into our assembly :) Be proud of yourselves.

-Miss Dobbin

Unknown said...

It still makes me cry!!! Now its a wonderful reminder of you Mal. xx

Unknown said...

trey loves the song to this